Burleigh Appliances

( 1 Отзывы )
| 287604 посещений

P.O. Box 174, Nerang, QLD 4211, Австралия

сотовый телефон: 0419748483
время работы:

понедельник - пятница : 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Допустимые способы оплаты:

  • Наличные деньги
  • Дебетовая карточка
  • Кредитная карточка
  • Чек
  • Paypal



  • Электрические Подрядчик
  • Устройство Ремонт
Имя владельца: Martin


brands serviced


admiral, chef, dishlex, electrolux, fisher&paykel, hoover, kelvinator,
malleys, metters, simpson, westinghouse

Appliance Installation


We can supply and install new appliances, or you can purchase a new appliance and we will happily install it for you.
Contact us today.

Appliances Ratings


Come to my website and read some of the ratings supplied from happy and unhappy customers about their purchases, before you make your purchase, as information is a valued possession.

Отзывы клиентов

Sinky Polo
You are the best in town thanks for the great work

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